EUREGHA WG Cancer & ERRIN WG Health joint meeting: “Cancer Mission: The Role of Regions”
Patrick Martens, Center for Cancer Detection, Flanders (BE) - EUREGHA's WG Cancer Member On 17 April, a joint meeting between ERRIN's Health Working Group and EUREGHA's Cancer Working Group delved into the crucial role regions play within the Cancer Mission. Held in a...
Spring Meeting – EUREGHA’s WG on Digital Transformation
On 9 April 2024, EUREGHA successfully led the Working Group on Digital Transformation spring meeting. The EUREGHA Secretariat provided an overview of the compromise text of the EHDS regulation, agreed by the Council and the European Parliament in mid-March,...
REGISTER! – CoR’s Interregional Group on Health and Wellbeing meeting on addressing medicines shortages in the EU (18 April)
As the Secretariat of the CoR's IRGHW, EUREGHA is pleased to invite you to the next and last 2023 meeting of the European Committee of the Regions’ Interregional Group on Health and Well-being “Addressing medicines shortages in the EU” 18th April 2024, 13:30-14:30...
EUREGHA responds to the European Observatory’s Survey ‘What should the EU’s health priorities be?’
Over the past few months, the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies launched a public debate in agreement with the European Commission (DG SANTE), engaging with diverse stakeholders to brainstorm ideas, perspectives, and inputs to help define key...
EUREGHA Working Group on Cross-border Healthcare – Constitutive meeting 2024
On 1 March 2024, EUREGHA successfully concluded the series of its Working Groups’ constitutive meetings 2024 with the kick-off of the Working Group on Cross-border Healthcare. Regional experts gathered to define 2024 priorities and to set the work plan for the year....
EUREGHA Working Group on Cancer – Constitutive meeting 2024
On 26 February 2024, the EUREGHA Working Group on Cancer met online to kick-start its 2024 activities with the constitutive meeting. Members gathered to discuss and outline the key activities and priorities that will shape the group's focus in 2024. Members actively...
EUREGHA Working Group on Digital Transformation in Healthcare – Constitutive meeting 2024
On 15 February 2024, EUREGHA held a constitutive meeting for the Working Group on Digital transformation in healthcare. The session emphasized the importance of leveraging digital technologies, such as AI and health data management, to improve healthcare delivery....
EU4Health Programme – 2024: Info session for EUREGHA members
On 15 February 2024, members of EUREGHA had the opportunity to participate in EUREGHA members-only webinar focusing on the EU4Health Programme's Annual Work Programme for 2024. The session was kindly conducted by Adrian Peres, Deputy Head of the EU4Health and Health...
The EUREGHA Secretariat welcomes two new interns!
The EUREGHA Secretariat welcomes two new interns! Get to know them:My name is Oda Marie Stey, and I am pursuing a Master's in International Politics and Economics at the University of Bologna. With a former background in Development studies, I now look forward to...
CoR’s Interregional Group on Health and Wellbeing – Constitutive meeting 2024
On 1 February, the European Committee of the Regions’ Interregional Group on Health and Wellbeing (IRGHW) meet to discuss the work plan and topics for their meetings in 2024, in line with the CoR's NAT Commission priorities and the IRGHW Work Programme 2020-2025....
ONCODIR First Plenary Consortium meeting in Nicosia
From 23 to 25 January, the ONCODIR project had its first plenary consortium meeting in Nicosia, Cyprus, to brainstorm and define together the approach and next steps. ONCODIR is developing a platform based on artificial intelligence to prevent Colorectal Cancer. It...
New EUREGHA interim Chair and welcoming new Executive Board Members
As of 26 January 2024, EUREGHA welcomes Andrea Pavlickova, current Treasurer and elected member of the Executive Board, as a new interim Chair until the next elections, taking place in May 2024 on the occasion of the upcoming EUREGHA Annual General Assembly. Following...
Regions Against Covid-19 #3- The Catalan Health System uses data analytics to manage Covid-19
Within this series of news articles, EUREGHA takes the opportunity to highlight actions taken by our members to tackle the Covid-19 outbreak. This week’s contribution is written by EUREGHA's member’s representatives Cesar Velasco, Josué...
Regions Against Covid-19 #2- NHS Near Me, the Scottish tool to visit a GP in times of self-isolation
Within this series of news articles, EUREGHA takes the opportunity to highlight actions taken by our members to tackle the Covid-19 outbreak. Regions and local health authorities are working around the clock to find innovative solutions in providing qualitative...
European Commission Guidelines on EU Emergency Assistance in Cross-Border Cooperation in Healthcare
EUREGHA welcomes the European Commission’s guidelines on EU Emergency Assistance in Cross-Border Cooperation in Healthcare related to the COVID-19 crisis. The European Commission calls on national, regional and local health authorities to make full use of: - existing...
The EU Health Coalition calls for more solidarity and a coordinated EU action to tackle COVID-19
Europe remains at the epicentre of the COVID-19 crisis. No single European country is immune to the devastating consequences of this virus. Responding to the challenges of the pandemic thus requires a pan-European approach. Our health is too important. No one country,...
Regions Against Covid-19 #1- The Flemish Community fights Fake News
Within this series of news articles, EUREGHA takes the opportunity to highlight actions taken by our members to tackle the Covid-19 outbreak. In Belgium, 75% of the citizens find their facts about healthcare online. It is important to understand that not all the data...
Position Paper on the impacts of COVID-19 on European health R&I activities
EUREGHA endorsed the position paper issued by ECHAlliance on the potential impacts of the new coronavirus pandemic on health research proposal deadlines and active projects. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, many countries and cities across Europe declared the state...
EUREGHA’s Statement on COVID-19
We cannot say loudly enough that the health, well-being and safety of all our citizens should be our highest priority and this sometimes requires difficult decisions. Given the developments of COVID-19, it is with deep regret we announce that EUREGHA will take...
EUREGHA’s High-level Annual Conference 2019
On 5 December, EUREGHA – the reference network of European Regional and Local Health Authorities – held its high-level annual conference “Towards a healthy and cohesive Europe”. Various health experts were brought together to discuss the future of ESI funds for...
EUREGHA Chair participates in panel NAT Commission
On 12 November 2019, EUREGHA chair Nick Batey participated in the panel debate of the 26th NAT Commission meeting. The policy debate took place to exchange views on the working document on “Cross-border healthcare cooperation” and Nick Batey was asked to contribute by...
EUREGHA among the speakers of the WHO Regions for Health Network annual meeting
On June 26-28 the WHO Regions for Health Network held its annual meeting and celebrated its 25th anniversary with a 3-day event hosted by the provinces of the Euroregion Meuse-rhine. EUREGHA was among the speakers of the conference that took place in Aachen,...
CoR Interregional Group on Health and Wellbeing: “Healthcare in Cross-Border Regions”
Healthcare in Cross-Border Regions Minutes9.00 Welcome and introduction by the Chair, Birgitta SacrédeusThe chair, Birgitta Sacrédeus, welcomed all the participants and introduced the topic of the meeting: “Healthcare in Cross-Border Regions”. Within the EU, border...
Watch our first Webinar of the Thematic Network on Healthcare in Cross-Border Regions
<p> </p> On the 30th of April, EUREGHA together with Healthacross and euPrevent, presented the draft of the Joint Statement on Healthcare in Cross-Border Regions at the first webinar on the European Health Policy Platform. The Thematic Networks are...
Thematic network “Healthcare in cross-border Regions” – Conference and 2-days study visit
The event was the first gathering of the thematic network “Healthcare in Cross-border Regions”. The Thematic networks are collaborative networks that bring together different stakeholder organisations to produce joint statements on health-related developments. The...
Romania begins its first Council presidency
On January 1st 2019, Romania took over for the first time the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. As the holder of the Presidency, Romania will contribute significantly to the political process of the Council for the next six months. The new “trio...
Our proposal for the creation of a Thematic Network on Healthcare in Cross-border Regions has passed!
EUREGHA’s proposal to create a new Thematic Network on Healthcare in Cross-border Regions in the framework of the EU Health Policy Platform , submitted in cooperation with our member Region Lower Austria, has passed! The EU Health Policy Platform is a...
EUREGHA Annual Conference 2017 on Cross-border Cooperation in Health
The EUREGHA Annual Conference 2017 “Exploring regional cross-border cooperation in health: Current practices and future outlooks” took place on 6 December at the Welsh Government EU Office in Brussels.MEP Lukas Mandl (EPP/AU), gave an opening key note speech,...
Commission Communication “Boosting Growth and Cohesion in EU Border Regions”
On the 20th of September 2017 the European Commission adopted its Communication “Boosting Growth and Cohesion in EU Border Regions”. The Communication aims to highlight ways in which the EU, Member States and regions can reduce the complexity, length and costs of...
EUREGHA Members’ Roundtable on the Cross-Border Patients’ Mobility Directive
On Tuesday the 17th September, EUREGHA organised a Members Roundtable discussion on the Cross-Border Patients’ Mobility Directive. A Policy Officer from DG SANCO gave an overview of the Directive. Speakers from Region Skåne (SE), North of England EU Health Partnership...
Enabling cross-border cooperation: EU’s initiatives on e-health
The European Commission launched on 2 July 2008 two initiatives to improve the safety and quality of care to people who require medical assistance while travelling or living abroad, namely: a Recommendation on cross-border interoperability of electronic health record...
EUREGHA takes part in the first EURIPHI project meeting
On the 31st of January EUREGHA took part in the first EURIPHI project meeting. EUREGHA is one of the partners of this project, a Horizon 2020 CSA with 25 partners from 10 EU countries that will work on value-based MEAT procurement. Key Objectives of the EURIPHI...
CoR Interregional Group on Health and Wellbeing (IRGHW) – Constitutive meeting
On 8 February, the Committee of the Regions’ Interregional Group on Health and Wellbeing held its constitutive meeting of 2022 to set priorities for their meetings the upcoming year. There is no denying that COVID-19 pandemic and post-pandemic challenges continue to...
IRGHW meeting “Supporting mental health in the EU in pandemic and post-pandemic”
The CoR Interregional Group on Health and Well-being (IRGHW) held its last meeting of the year on 25 November. This session was dedicated to supporting mental health during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, with contributions by experts from various European regions...
European Week of Regions and Cities 2021
Healthy ageing in the EU: The potential of digital innovation for elderly health and social care. On 12 October from 09:30 to 11:00, the Committee of the Regions’ NAT Commission and Interregional Group on Health and Well-being, and DG CONNECT , in collaboration...
IRGHW meeting “The Fight Against Cancer: A Challenge for the European Health Union”
The CoR Interregional Group on Health and Well-being (IRGHW) held a meeting on 16 June. The event was set to discuss some critical issues related to Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan and exchange opinions between the European institutions and stakeholders on the fight...
IRGHW meeting “Discussing the future opinions of the CoR on strengthening the mandate of the ECDC and on the Pharmaceutical Strategy”
The CoR Interregional Group on Health and Well-being (IRGHW) held a meeting on 2 March. The event was dedicated to the opinions of the Committee of the Regions on strengthening the ECDC and EMA mandate, and on the Pharmaceutical Strategy. The gathering was organized...
CoR Interregional Group on Health and Wellbeing (IRGHW) – Constitutive meeting
On 9 February, the CoR's Interregional Group on Health and Well-being held its constitutive meeting. This meeting explored which topics will be discussed throughout 2021. The CoR members emphasized that the European Commission has worked hard to lay the groundwork for...
Towards a European Health Union – the contribution of the European Committee of the Regions
On Thursday 26 November, the European Committee of the Region’s Interregional Group on Health and Wellbeing met to discuss how its members can help to shape the future of EU health policies and ensure better health in all regions. On this occasion, CoR Rapporteurs...
Cohesion Policy and Health: investing in a healthy and socially just regional development
On 15 October, EUREGHA coordinated the `Cohesion policy and health- Investing in a healthy and socially just development´ workshop in partnership with the European Committee of the Regions, DG SANTE from the European Commission, and EuroHealthnet. The workshop was...
Renewal of the CoR Interregional Group on Health and Wellbeing
In July, the European Committee of the Regions Interregional Group on Health and Wellbeing was renewed and EUREGHA will act as the Secretariat of the group for another term. The CoR Interregional Groups are platforms to exchange views and create new ideas among local...
CoR Interregional Group on Health and Wellbeing: “The State of the Health in the EU Cycle”
On 5 December, the Committee of the Regions Interregional Group on Health and Wellbeing organized the meeting on “The State of Health in the EU Cycle”, which is a two-year initiative that has been carried out by the European Commission. The European Commission...
EUREGHA’s SDGs for a healthy and social Europe event
On 9 October, EUREGHA organized the ‘SDGs for a healthy social Europe’ conference in collaboration with the European Committee of the Regions and the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, within the framework of the European Week of Regions &...
CoR Interregional Group on Health and Wellbeing: “Healthcare in Cross-Border Regions”
Healthcare in Cross-Border Regions Minutes9.00 Welcome and introduction by the Chair, Birgitta SacrédeusThe chair, Birgitta Sacrédeus, welcomed all the participants and introduced the topic of the meeting: “Healthcare in Cross-Border Regions”. Within the EU, border...
State of the Union 2020: a focus on health for the future
EUREGHA appreciates the statements of Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, made during her first State of the Union address on 16 September. “For me, it is crystal clear we need to build a stronger European Health Union. It is time to do that” –...
EU4Health and Horizon Europe budget cuts are a missed opportunity for innovation, research, resilient health systems and healthy citizens
The EU Health Coalition very much regrets the outcome of the European Council where health, research and innovation have been sacrificed in the overall budget negotiations. In May, when the European Commission proposed €9.4 billion to a new ambitious standalone...
EUREGHA joins PACT and endorses statement on Covid-19
During the Covid-19 crisis, it became apparent that health stakeholders need to work together to ensure that the principle of “leaving no-one behind” will be increasingly prioritized in any future crises. Therefore, we are happy to announce that EUREGHA has recently...
EUREGHA’s High-level Annual Conference 2019
On 5 December, EUREGHA – the reference network of European Regional and Local Health Authorities – held its high-level annual conference “Towards a healthy and cohesive Europe”. Various health experts were brought together to discuss the future of ESI funds for...
CoR Interregional Group on Health and Wellbeing (IRGHW) – Constitutive meeting
On the 7th of February the European Committee of the Regions Interregional Group on Health and Wellbeing (IRGHW) held its constitutive meeting.During the Constitutive meeting, IRGHW members brainstormed together, shared topics relevant for their regions and agreed...
Romania begins its first Council presidency
On January 1st 2019, Romania took over for the first time the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. As the holder of the Presidency, Romania will contribute significantly to the political process of the Council for the next six months. The new “trio...
Our proposal for the creation of a Thematic Network on Healthcare in Cross-border Regions has passed!
EUREGHA’s proposal to create a new Thematic Network on Healthcare in Cross-border Regions in the framework of the EU Health Policy Platform , submitted in cooperation with our member Region Lower Austria, has passed! The EU Health Policy Platform is a...
EUREGHA’s High-level Annual Conference 2018
EUREGHA - the reference network of European Regional and Local Health Authorities - held its annual flagship conference "European Regions for Health. Changing today for tomorrow” on the 6th of December. Through panel discussions and the presentation of regional best...
Austria takes over the Presidency of the Council of the EU
On 1 July 2018 Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov officially handed over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union to Austrian Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz. As holder of the Presidency, Austria will contribute significantly to the legislative and...
Health policies in the future EU budget (2021-2027)
Following the adoption of the Multiannual Financial Framework for the period 2021-2027 on 2 May, the European Commission has been unveiling its legislative proposals for the next generation of spending programmes.Health will have a strong dimension in the next EU...
EUREGHA contributes to shaping the next EU budget
EUREGHA has officially contributed to the public consultation on the next Multiannual Financial Framework launched by the European Commission. By sending its position on the next generation of EU financial programmes, EUREGHA makes sure the Commission takes into...
EUREGHA joined the Cohesion Alliance for a stronger post-2020 Cohesion policy
EUREGHA has officially signed the Cohesion Alliance declaration in order to advocate for a stronger Cohesion policy after 2020. The #CohesionAlliance is a coalition of those who believe that the EU Cohesion policy must continue to be a pillar of the EU's future, as it...
Exchanging best practices for suicide prevention
Suicide is not only a personal tragedy, it represents a serious public health problem, particularly in the WHO European Region. There is a growing evidence that mental disorders and self-destructive behaviour have increased in the last 40 years in both poor and rich...
Mental health conference in preparation
More information is becoming available about plans for future EC mental health activities following some preparatory meetings. The objective of the conference on 13 June in Brussels is to launch a so-called European Pact for Mental Health.
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