

Local and regional health authorities across Europe are becoming more and more involved in EU health policy and funding activities. Many regions are aware that the health of their citizens is determined by policies created at the EU-level.  This means that the work of the European institutions is not only relevant to them but can also complement their own local and regional efforts.

Local and regional health authorities represent the natural interface between citizens, national and European institutions and exert a pivotal role in improving the efficiency and quality of healthcare systems and services.

Yet, current events such as the financial crisis and COVID-19 pandemic shifted priorities and strengthen the capacity of many regional and local authorities to get involved in the European arena. In this context, the activities of EUREGHA have become crucial to ensuring that the local and regional perspective is well represented at EU level, given their vital role in the delivery and organisation of health services and/or the promotion of public health.

Healthcare services are now facing unprecedented challenges. Nevertheless, these challenges present an opportunity to rethink the status quo in healthcare and assess policy options in more depth: what are the risks and benefits of the various approaches? Which areas are the most efficient? How can sustainability be ensured? At EUREGHA, we believe that the response must be based on cross-sectoral collaboration, integrated approaches, and innovative methods to mainstream health in all policies.

EUREGHA is the only European network that represents regional and local authorities in a collaborative way to understand and reflect their specific needs and priorities.


Monitoring all health-related policy issues: In order to deliver early intelligence to our full members, EUREGHA monitors all health-related EU policy issues in the areas of employment, health, social affairs, research, agriculture, environment, education and cross-cutting initiatives.

Organising meetings with National Permanent Representations in Brussels on the health priorities of the Presidencies of the Council of the EU.

Collaborating with different European Commission’s Directorates-General (DG), mainly the DG Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE), the DG Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO), the DG Research and Innovation (DG RTD), the DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL) and the DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CONNECT).

In this context, EUREGHA leads a Stakeholder Network on “Healthcare in cross-border regions” on the EU Health Policy Platform. 

EUREGHA is furthermore part of the eHealth Stakeholder Group, launched by the European Commission. The primary purpose of the Group is to provide advice and expertise, contributing to policy development and the implementation of the Communication on enabling the digital transformation of health and care in the Digital Single Market. By organizing meetings with European Commission’s officials, attending high-level conferences and taking part in the European Union Institutions’ stakeholders’ fora, we are well placed to understand the latest developments and funding opportunities.





EUREGHA is consistently engaging in strong partnerships to further strengthen the role of EUREGHA in the EU health stakeholder environment. Please find an overview of our main partnerships below.

For more information, please reach out to us

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