EUREGHA is pleased to invite you to its Annual High-Level Conference, taking place in Brussels on the 5th of December 2024 (14:00 – 17:30, followed by networking reception until 19:30 CET) at the Northern Ireland Executive Office, 1st Floor – Chaussee d’Etterbeek 180, 1040 Etterbeek, Brussels
The 2024 EUREGHA Conference will spotlight the pivotal role of regional and local health authorities in driving the implementation of European legislation, initiatives, and health system innovations. Positioned as essential partners to European institutions and health stakeholders, these authorities are key to bridging policy and practice. The event will begin with an opening keynote, followed by a policy-focused dialogue that will connect regional and European experts and policymakers to explore the drivers and challenges of fostering stronger partnerships for progress, building on the published EUREGHA Manifesto ‘for 2024 and beyond’.
A practice-oriented session will then showcase regional examples of innovation and implementation, complemented by insights from relevant stakeholders on key health policy areas. Before the closing, the event will highlight EUREGHA’s latest initiative: a series of informative factsheets on its members, aimed at promoting their work and facilitating partnerships across Europe.
The event will conclude with a networking reception, providing participants with valuable opportunities to connect, exchange insights, and learn about key regional and European projects featuring significant regional involvement.
Confirmed speakers include:
Simone Boselli, Policy Officer,DG Reform – European Commission
Lars Münter, Founder and International Director, Nordic Wellbeing Academy
Dorota Tomalak, Deputy Head of Unit, Secretariat of the Commission for Natural Resources (NAT), European Committee of the Regions
Andrea Pavlickova, Chair, EUREGHA – International Engagement Manager, Directorate for Health and Social Care Finance, Digital and Governance, Scottish Government / NHS NSS
Isabelle Johansson, Head of EU Office, Region Östergötland
Simona Ferlini, Senior officer in European and International policies, Department of Innovation in Health and Care services – Directorate General Care, Health and Welfare, Regione Emilia Romagna
Katarzyna Kielar, Policy Officer, European Commission, DG SANTE, State of Health, European Semester, Health Technology Assessment
Emma Spear, Deputy Director, Health, Social Care & Early Years Group Director General’s Office, Welsh Government
Thomas Van Langendonck, Vitalink Analyst, Team eHealth, Department of Care, Flanders
Please save the date in your calendar and start registering here! For more information, reach out to us secretariat@euregha.net.
Best regards,
The EUREGHA Secretariat