13 December 2019 | Cross-Border Healthcare, EU Policies, news
On 5 December, EUREGHA – the reference network of European Regional and Local Health Authorities – held its high-level annual conference “Towards a healthy and cohesive Europe”. Various health experts were brought together to discuss the future of ESI funds for...
12 November 2019 | Cross-Border Healthcare, news
On 12 November 2019, EUREGHA chair Nick Batey participated in the panel debate of the 26th NAT Commission meeting. The policy debate took place to exchange views on the working document on “Cross-border healthcare cooperation” and Nick Batey was asked to contribute by...
4 July 2019 | Cross-Border Healthcare
On June 26-28 the WHO Regions for Health Network held its annual meeting and celebrated its 25th anniversary with a 3-day event hosted by the provinces of the Euroregion Meuse-rhine. EUREGHA was among the speakers of the conference that took place in Aachen,...
26 June 2019 | 2019, Cross-Border Healthcare, IGHW, news
Healthcare in Cross-Border Regions Minutes9.00 Welcome and introduction by the Chair, Birgitta SacrédeusThe chair, Birgitta Sacrédeus, welcomed all the participants and introduced the topic of the meeting: “Healthcare in Cross-Border Regions”. Within the EU, border...
3 May 2019 | Cross-Border Healthcare, news
On the 30th of April, EUREGHA together with Healthacross and euPrevent, presented the draft of the Joint Statement on Healthcare in Cross-Border Regions at the first webinar on the European Health Policy Platform. The Thematic Networks are collaborative networks that...
9 April 2019 | Cross-Border Healthcare, news
The event was the first gathering of the thematic network “Healthcare in Cross-border Regions”. The Thematic networks are collaborative networks that bring together different stakeholder organisations to produce joint statements on health-related developments. The...