Today, 15 March 2022, the third edition of the European Value-based Procurement Conference takes place from 09:30 until 16:00 CET. After a long period of digital conferences and video meetings, it is a true pleasure to come together again in person, listen to expert speakers, and exchange knowledge under the theme:

“Collaborative approach to data collection and measurement tools”.

The conference partners, EHPPA, EUREGHA, and MedTech Europe, shared their views on the importance of
incorporating ‘value’ in decision-making, the strategic role procurement to improve health care delivery and
the way forward together. After this, Irina Volf Reinoso, Partnerships Manager at the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM) delivered a keynote speech: “Start measuring and comparing what matters – ICHOM’s role in the future healthcare ecosystem”.

Navigate the buttons below to read the full agenda and the official 2022 press release. We will provide a summary of the whole conference afterwards. In the meantime, follow us on Twitter for some live tweets!