EUREGHA is glad to invite its members and interested stakeholders to its Annual High-Level Conference:
“Beyond 2024: discussing the future of EU health policy and innovation from the regional and local perspective”
5th December 2023, 14:00-17:30, followed by networking reception
European Committee of the Regions (Brussels) & live-streamed
Take a look at the final agenda and register by Friday 1st December 12.00 Brussels time!
PLEASE NOTE: The online registration form is no longer available. For last-minute registration for onsite attendance, please contact marco.didonato@euregha.net.
The conference will put the spotlight on the future of health at European level in view of the EU elections in 2024 and the new EU mandate, from the point of view of regional and local health authorities.
The event will start with a Keynote and the presentation of the EUREGHA Regional and Local Health Authorities Manifesto for the future of health at the European level in the new mandate, followed by a related panel discussion. The discussion will revolve around the role of Regions and Local health authorities and which are the priorities for the new EU health mandate.
The second session will be focused on digital health as a key tool to drive the future of health, with the presentation of regional digital health and health data best practices followed by a dedicated discussion.
Speakers’ line-up:
- Giovanni Gorgoni, Chair of the European Regional and Local Health Authorities (EUREGHA)
- Maya Matthews, Head of Unit “State of Health, European Semester, Health Technology Assessment” at DG SANTE, European Commission
- Fabian Dominguez, Team Leader – Team International Policy, Coordinator BE EU presidency 2024
- Jean-Luc VanRaes, European CoR Member and member of the European CoR interregional group on health and well-being, Municipal Council of Uccle (BE)
- Milka Sokolovic, Director General, European Public Health Alliance (EPHA)
- Ryan Anderson, Policy Lead for Data & Intelligence, Directorate for Health and Social care, Finance, Digital and Governance of Scottish Government (Scotland, UK)
- Nicole Smeets, Researcher at GGD Zuid-Limburg (The Netherlands)
- Marian Ibarrondo, Director of Research and Innovation, Department of Health, Government of the Basque Country (Spain)
- Gotzone Sagardui, Minister of Health, Government of the Basque Country (Spain)
- MEP Sara Cerdas, Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (Portugal)
- Martin Dorazil, Deputy Head of Unit ‘Digital Health’ – DG SANTE, European Commission
- Kurt Höller, Managing Director of the EIT Health Germany-Switzerland Co-location Centre
The Conference will be closed by a Networking Reception (17:30 – 19:00 CET) and EUREGHA virtual exhibition.
Looking forward to welcoming you to the Committee of the Regions!