On 3 December 2013, EUREGHA organised the conference “Governance of Research for Regional Health Strategies” in the European Parliament. The aim of the conference was to highlight the connection between research and health strategies, by focusing on how research results can be incorporated and translated into health policy strategies, in order to optimise health outcomes.

During the Conference, there were three initial speakers: Mario Moroso, LGS Research Programme Management Group (UK); Stephen Hanney, Brunel University (UK); and Monica Eriksson, Resource Centre on Salutogenesis, University West (SE). These were followed by four Regional Best Practice examples from Stuart Eglin, North of England EU Health Partnership (UK), Antonio Addis, Emilia Romagna (IT), Sinikka Salo, City of Oulu (FI) and Rita Jedlert, Region Skåne (SE). The Conference ended with a Panel Discussion, moderated by Annika Ahtonen from the European Policy Centre (EPC). The speakers involved were: Josep Figueras, Director of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies; Gabriel Capellà, Director for Research and Innovation, Ministry of Health of Catalonia; Alberto Zanobini, Member of the Board of the Mattone Internazionale Project and Head of Research, Innovation and Human Resources, Region of Tuscany; Marianne van den Berg, Policy Analyst, Innovation for Health and Consumers, DG SANCO; and Ilias Iakovidis, Acting Head of Unit, Digital Social Platforms, DG CONNECT.

For the Conference, EUREGHA produced a booklet highlighting the work of its Member Regions in relation to the title ‘Governance of Research for Regional Health Strategies’. The booklet, entitled ‘A showcase of EUREGHA Members’ governance of research for Regional Health Strategy examples’, is available for all. To view the booklet in full, please click here (pgs 1-14) and here (pgs 15-33).

A full report from the meeting is available for the EUREGHA Full Members on the Members Section of the EUREGHA website.