On 8th and 9th June 2022, EUREGHA hosted its Annual General Assembly in Brussels.
The two-day agenda brought together the EUREGHA network to discuss several crucial matters covering the association governance and management, its vision, upcoming activities, and future developments.
On 8th June, EUREGHA members approved the 2021 Annual Accounts, the 2022 budget, and the financial forecast for 2023 and 2024. Members also had the chance to vote and elect two new Executive Board members. We are therefore glad to introduce, Emma Spear, Deputy Director Transformation Health and Social Care, representing the Welsh Government, and Dr Petra Dannapfel, Head Change Management and Processes & Research Manager Centre of Development, representing Region Östergötland. The first day was also an occasion to officially welcome our two new members, Liguria Region (IT) and the Central European Service for Cross-Border Initiatives – CESCI (HU), who recently joined the network.

On Day 1, the Assembly also looked back at 2021, with the presentation of the EUREGHA 2021 Annual Report, now available for download here. For an at-a-glance view, you can also access the recap infographic here.
On 9th May, the meeting was entirely focused on discussing the way forward for EUREGHA, in particular in view of the upcoming activities for its 10th Anniversary (2012 – 2022).
Following a presentation of the 2022 Work Programme by Director Michele Calabrò, members sat together to share regional experiences and priorities to shape the vision and topics that will drive the network going forward. Keep following our communication channels as we will share the key outcomes of this exchange in the coming days.

“Having the chance to gather EUREGHA members once again in person has been an absolute pleasure and the perfect opportunity to discuss how we can mould, together, the future of the network. I see this successful 2022 General Assembly as a stepstone to strengthen EUREGHA and continue promoting the essential role of regional and local health authorities.”
Giovanni Gorgoni, EUREGHA Chair